Design Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, 2018.

I Am Falling (2017) 04:49:00. Still image. Single channel video and stereo audio.

I AM FALLING (2018) is a single channel video created for the experiential artwork FALL WITH ME (2018). The video work uses clipping of found experimental video works within the internet archives. This work was designed to impart an emotional feeling to drive interest for the abstract and experimental experience FALL WITH ME.

I Am Falling (2017) 04:49:00. Still image. Single channel video and stereo audio.

I Am Falling (2017) 04:49:00. Still image. Single channel video and stereo audio.

I Am Falling (2017) 04:49:00. Still image. Single channel video and stereo audio.

I Am Falling (2017) 04:49:00. Still image. Single channel video and stereo audio.