ZZZZ Sequence

Simple Cider, Hobart, Tasmania, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Promotional Poster, Designed by Dave Eastburn, 2023.

ZZZZ:Sequence 001 is an Experimental Club night produced by Kitsch Events. Harry Holcombe-James was employed as Artistic Director and tasked with branding and advertising direction, curating a line up of art installations, live performed visual projections, and a set-list of artist’s film screenings.

Across three rooms, ZZZZ explored a dreamlike aesthetic with a focus on the visitors experience over the course of the night. Punters were welcomed to the known location through an unknown entrance, and led on a disoriented evening that ebbed and flowed with music, art, DJ’s and performances, encouraging exploration throughout the building with special moments for those who were in the right place at the right time.

This is not a dream.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Video projections into dance area. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Artwork installation by Jacob Leary. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Artwork installation by Jacob Leary. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Artwork installation by Jacob Leary. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Artwork installation by Jacob Leary. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Situational performer. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. Situational performer. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. VJ visualisations. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.

ZZZZ SEQUENCE 001 Experimental Club Night. VJ visualisations. Photo by Thomas Wood, 2023.